I recently completed a project that had been sitting unfinished for some time. I created this piece as a wax carving for a class. For mother's day, I had it cast in silver.
These other pieces are from my stint at FIT a couple of years ago. I completed this piece for the piercing and sawing class. We had to create a symmetrical pattern containing 100 cuts within a 2" x 2" brass square. It now hangs in my home office.
I made this bracelet for my mother, then made similar pieces for myself and a friend. It was an independent project born of leftover wire and tubing. The texture is created by running the silver through a rolling press sandwiched next to torn up pieces of sandpaper.
The assignment for this necklace was that it had to be pierced, contain a stone in a bezel setting, and have wire soldered onto flat sheet.
This last piece is the oldest - from when I spent a semester in Florence in 1995. Also an independent project, it was inspired by the stone itself: a combination of malachite and azurite. The pearl moon rotates freely around the center stone.

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