Recent Celebrations
Lately we've had occasion to celebrate a few things. First, my paternal grandmother paid us a visit all the way from Mexico City. It was a lovely, rare opportunity for us to all be together. See the family resemblance?
That same day, we celebrated Carmen's birthday, with one of her daughters, Fabienne.
Both Daddy and Benjamin will exploit any opportunity for goofiness.
Most recently, my Mom celebrated her (censored)th birthday.
Normally, we get some deeply sinful gourmet confection from Epicure. This year, I decided to resurrect a favorite from my childhood: chocolate cake with chocolate sour cream icing. You have to take my word for it that sour cream and chocolate are an excellent combination. As per usual, Paul made the coffee . . .
. . . Mom blew out the candles . . .
. . . and Benjamin ate cake and enjoyed his freshly shorn head. I keep telling him to enjoy his hair while he still can as he will almost certainly fall victim to male pattern baldness. He doesn't listen.

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